Frequently Asked Pool Questions

Do you have questions about pool installation and services? You have come to the right place.
We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions we get asked along with their answers for your convenience. If you have additional questions please get in touch, we will be more than happy to answer any other queries you may have or provide additional information about our full range of services.

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  • Q: How long does it take for a concrete swimming pool to be installed?

    A: For the full installation it can take anywhere from six weeks to up to ten weeks or more to fully install a swimming pool. From the first step of excavating for the pool to the final step when you can actually swim. The exact timeline will vary widely depending on whether you have a pre-fabricated pool shell or you want a free form pool, the size and shape of your pool and the additional features you have chosen to be installed.

  • Q: How long will a concrete swimming pool last?

    A: A concrete swimming pool can last for decades if properly taken care of. They will occasionally need to be resurfaced, usually every ten years or so. Compared to a vinyl liner pool, which needs to have the liner replaced entirely every 7 to 10 years, concrete pools hold up exceptionally well.

  • Q: Do I have to have a fence around my pool?

    A: Yes. You will need to have a safety fence around your swimming pool according to regulations. The fence will also need to meet specific safety requirements set by law to ensure any children or pets in the area will not be able to accidentally get inside the pool when there is no supervision. Fences have to be at least 1.2 metres high and you will need to have gates that are both self-closed and self-latching.

  • Q: What if I have a really small yard? Can I still have a swimming pool?

    A: We can design a pool to accommodate virtually any space. To know for sure we will come out and assess your space to help you determine what type and size of pool would work best for your particular situation.

  • Q: Do you offer fencing and decking if I get my pool from someone else?

    A: No. We provide our services as an “all in one” deal so you can get all of your pool services from the same place. We don’t provide add-on services individually.

  • Q: How often should I clean my pool?

    A: You should check the Ph and chemical levels at least once a week and skim the pool with a net to remove any leaves and other debris. It’s also a good idea to check your filters during this time and empty them if needed. While you’re swimming you can also skim the pool as needed.

  • Q: What happens if my chemicals or Ph are off?

    A: You may need to add more chlorine or another chemical to get things back on track. If you need help, get in touch and we will help you determine what needs to be done.

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